[86] B. Jahnel, C. Külske, A. Zass, Locality properties for discrete and continuum Widom-Rowlinson models in random environments. Preprint available at arXiv:2311.07146
[85] L. Coquille, C. Kuelske, A. Le Ny Non-Atomicity of the extremal decomposition of the free state for finite-spin models on Cayley trees. To appear in Ann. Inst. H. Poincaré Probab. Statist. Article PDF
[84] A. Abbondandolo, F. Henning, C. Külske, P. Majer, Infinite-volume states with irreducible localization sets for gradient models on trees. J. Stat. Phys. 191:63, (2023)
[83] F. Henning, C. Külske, N. Schubert, Gibbs Properties of the Bernoulli field on inhomogeneous trees under the removal of isolated sites. Markov Process. Relat. Fields 29, pp. 641-659, (2023). Article PDF
[82] L. Coquille, C. Külske, A. Le Ny, Extremal inhomogeneous Gibbs states for SOS-models and finite-spin models on trees. J. Stat. Phys. 190:71, (2023)
[81] B. Jahnel, C. Külske, Gibbsianness and non-Gibbsianness for Bernoulli lattice fields under removal of isolated sites. Bernoulli 29 (4), pp. 3013–3032, (2023). Article PDF
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[76] F. Henning, C. Külske, Coexistence of localized Gibbs measures and delocalized gradient Gibbs measures on trees. Ann. Appl. Probab. 31 (5), pp. 2284-2310, (2021). Article PDF
[75] B. Jahnel, C. Külske, Gibbsian representation for point processes via hyperedge potentials. Journal of Theoretical Probability 34, pp. 391-417, (2021)
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[70] S. Kissel, C. Külske, U. A. Rozikov, Hard-Core and Soft-Core Widom-Rowlinson models on Cayley trees. Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment, (2019)
[69] S. Kissel, C. Külske, Dynamical Gibbs-non-Gibbs transitions in Curie-Weiss Widom-Rowlinson models. Markov Processes Relat. Fields 25, pp. 379–413, (2019). Article PDF
[68] F. Henning, R. Kraaij, C. Külske, Gibbs-non-Gibbs transition in the fuzzy Potts models with a Kac-type interaction: Closing the Ising gap. Bernoulli 25 (3), pp. 2051-2074, (2019)
[67] B. Jahnel, C. Külske, Attractor properties for irreversible and reversible interacting particle systems. Commun. Math. Phys. 366: 139, (2019)
[66] C. Cotar, B. Jahnel, C. Külske, Extremal decomposition for random Gibbs measures: From general metastates to metastates on extremal random Gibbs measures. Electronic Communications in Probability 23 (95), pp. 1-12, (2018)
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[63] B. Jahnel, C. Külske, The Widom-Rowlinson model under spin flip: Immediate loss and sharp recovery of quasilocality. Ann. Appl. Probab. 27 (6), pp. 3845–3892, (2017)
[62] C. Külske, P. Schriever, Gradient Gibbs measures and fuzzy transformations on trees. Markov Processes Relat. Fields 23 (4), pp. 553–590, (2017). Article PDF
[61] B. Jahnel, C. Külske, Sharp thresholds for Gibbs-non-Gibbs transition in the fuzzy Potts models with a Kac-type interaction. Bernoulli 23 (4A), pp. 2808–2827, (2017)
[60] C. Külske, U. A. Rozikov, Fuzzy transformations and extremality of Gibbs measures for the Potts model on a Cayley tree Random Struct. Random Struct. Alg. 50, pp. 636–678, (2017)
[59] B. Jahnel, C. Külske, Attractor properties of non-reversible dynamics w.r.t. invariant Gibbs measures on the lattice. Markov Processes Relat. Fields 22 (3), pp. 507-535, (2016). Article PDF
[58] C. Külske, U. A. Rozikov, Extremality of translation-invariant phases for a three-state SOS-model on the binary tree. J. Stat. Phys. 160, pp. 659-680, (2015)
[57] B. Jahnel, C. Külske, A class of non-ergodic weak PCAs with unique invariant measure and quasi-periodic orbit. Stochastic Processes and their Applications 125, pp. 2427-2450, (2015)
[56] C. Cotar, C. Külske, Uniqueness of gradient Gibbs measures with disorder. Probability Theory and Related Fields 162 (3-4), pp 587-635, (2015)
[55] G. I. Botirov, B. Jahnel, C. Külske, Phase transition and critical values of a nearest-neighbor system with uncountable local state space on Cayley trees. Mathematical Physics, Analysis and Geometry, pp. 1385-0172, (2014)
[54] B. Jahnel, C. Külske, E. Rudelli, J. Wegener, Gibbsian and non-Gibbsian properties of the generalized mean-field fuzzy Potts-model. Markov Processes Relat. Fields 20 (4), pp. 601–632, (2014). Article PDF
[53] R. M. Khakimov, C. Külske, U. A. Rozikov, Description of all translation-invariant (splitting) Gibbs measures for the Potts model on a Cayley tree. J. Stat. Phys. 156 (1), pp. 189-200, (2014)
[52] B. Jahnel, C. Külske, Synchronization for discrete mean-field rotators. Electron. J. Probab. 19 (14), (2014)
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[50] M. Formentin, C. Külske, A. Reichenbachs, Metastates in mean-field models with random external fields generated by Markov chains. J. Stat. Phys. 146 (2), (2012)
[49] C. Cotar, C. Külske, Existence of random gradient states. Ann. Appl. Probab. 22 (4), pp. 1650-1692, (2012)
[48] A. C. D. van Enter, V. Ermolaev, G. Iacobelli, C. Külske, Gibbs-non-Gibbs properties for evolving Ising models on trees. Annales de l’Institut Henri Poincaré 48 (3), (2012)
[47] A. C. D. van Enter, C. Külske, A. A. Opoku, Discrete approximations to vector spin models. Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 44 (47), (2011), also available at, arXiv:1104.4241
[46] S. R. Fleurke, M. Formentin, C. Külske, Dependent particle deposition on a graph: concentration properties of the height profile. Markov Processes Relat. Fields 17 (2), pp. 187-208, (2011). Article PDF
[45] V. Ermolaev, C. Külske, Low-temperature dynamics of the Curie-Weiss Model: Periodic orbits, multiple histories, and loss of Gibbsianness. J. Stat. Phys. 141 (5), pp. 727-756, (2010)
[44] G. Iacobelli, C. Külske, Metastates in finite-type mean-field models: visibility, invisibility, and random restoration of symmetry. J. Stat. Phys. 140 (1), pp. 27-55, (2010)
[43] S. R. Fleurke, C. Külske, Multilayer Parking with Screening on a Random Tree. J. Stat. Phys. 239 (3), pp. 417-431, (2010)
[42] A. C. D. van Enter, C. Külske, A. A. Opoku, W. M. Ruszel, Gibbs-non-Gibbs properties for n-vector lattice and mean-field models. Braz. J. Probab. Stat. 24 (2), pp. 226-255, (2010)
[41] M. Formentin, C. Külske, A symmetric entropy bound on the non-reconstruction regime of Markov chains on Galton-Watson trees. Electron. Commun. Probab. 14, pp. 587-596, (2009)
[40] S. Fleurke, C. Külske, A second row Parking Paradox. J. Stat. Phys 136 (2), pp. 285-295, (2009)
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[36] C. Külske, A. A. Opoku, Continuous Spin Mean-Field models: Limiting kernels and Gibbs Properties of local transforms. Journal of Math. Phys. 49, 125215, 31 pages, (2008), also available at, arXiv:0806.0802
[35] C. Külske, A. A. Opoku, The Posterior metric and the Goodness of Gibbsianness for transforms of Gibbs measures . Electron. J. Probab. 13, pp. 1307-1344, (2008)
[34] H. Dehling, S. Fleurke, C. Külske, Parking on a random tree. J. Stat. Phys. 133, pp. 151-157, (2008)
[33] C. Külske, E. Orlandi, Continuous interfaces with disorder: Even strong pinning is too weak in 2 dimensions. Stochastic Processes and their Applications 118 (11), pp. 1973-1981, (2008)
[32] A. C. D. van Enter, C. Külske, Non-existence of random gradient Gibbs measures in continuous interface models in d=2. Ann. Appl. Probab. 18 (1), pp. 109-119, (2008)
[31] A. C. D. van Enter, C. Külske, Two connections between random systems and non-Gibbsian measures. J. Stat. Phys. 126 (4-5), pp. 1007-1024, (2007)
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