Aerial view Ruhr-University Bochum
Building I-Row of the Ruhr-University Bochum at night

Master of Education Mathematics

The Master of Education at RUB consists of studies in the two teaching subjects from the Bachelor's degree as well as in the subject Educational Science and a practical semester. Students are prepared for the teaching profession at high schools ("Gymnasium" and "Gesamtschule") or a career in subject-specific didactics research.

The study of mathematics is composed of three core modules and thus offers a balanced combination of subject-specific didactics, science and practice:

  • Subject Didactics: The subject-specific didactics at our faculty focuses on highly topical issues such as inclusion and digitalization.
  • Science: In-depth specializations are possible in the areas of stochastics and statistics, differential geometry/dynamic systems, complex analysis, numerical mathematics, and algebra and topology.
  • Practical Semester: The third semester in the MEd program is completed entirely as a practical semester at a school. Students are supported here by a preparatory seminar and an accompanying seminar.

At a glance

  • start: winter and summer term
  • duration: 4 semesters
  • teaching language: German
  • admission: admission free, application at the Faculty of Mathematics

You are interested?

Are you interested in an MEd but have questions about internships, school contacts or career prospects? The Professional School of Education will clarify these questions with you!

You are a graduate of the RUB and would like to join an MEd program? Here you can find the advising certificate (DE) for admission to the M.Ed. program (new examination regulations 2020)!

You did not complete your Bachelor's degree at RUB but would like to do your MEd with us? No problem, here you can find applications for examining the admission requirements for the MEd degree program for external applicants (DE)!

Looking for more information on EWL studies within your MEd? At the Institute for Educational Sciences you will find what you are looking for!

Course information and examination regulations

Older examination regulations can be found in the moodle course Mathematikstudium-Info!


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