Infographic 1 Prerequisites for studying mathematics
Infographic 2 Prerequisites for studying mathematics

Study Mathematics at RUB

With your choice of study, you make an important decision that paves the way for your professional future. The Ruhr-Universität Bochum offers a modern and wide-ranging mathematics program that prepares you for a fulfilling, exciting and forward-looking career in a variety of industries or in research and teaching. If you are interested in mathematics or have even played with the idea of studying math, you will find all the subject-specific information you need to help you choose your course of study on the following pages.

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Trial offers

Whether you're in middle school or just before graduation, there's something for everyone in our taster programs!

Test your skills

Short math puzzles to try - for different ages and levels!

(noch im Aufbau)

What actually is mathematics?

Mathematics is the discipline for the curious. Fans of puzzles and problem solvers will thrive with each challenge. Sounds unfamiliar? At school, you associate math primarily with calculations. But you will soon discover that mathematics is much more. Mathematics can be explored and even developed. Did you know that there are still unsolved mathematical problems (e.g. the Millennium Problems)?

Doing mathematics means always being on the search for structures. You decipher regularities, you practice abstraction, and you come up with comprehensible reasons for what you observe.

The special thing: In mathematics there is no "half right" - a statement is either true or false. And despite this, there is still room for your own approaches, ideas and creativity when determining the solution.

Future prospects

With a degree in mathematics in your pocket, you have excellent prospects for the future. You are in great demand on the job market, because employers appreciate your sharp intellect, which helps you to meet challenges with an open mind. You are rightly expected to familiarize yourself quickly with new fields, to look at problems from all sides, to structure complicated issues in a meaningful way and to find solutions.

Equipped with innovative thinking patterns and problem-solving strategies, you can - unlike in many other courses of study - choose the field you would like to contribute to. As a mathematician, you have the extraordinary opportunity to work on socially relevant topics and to make the world a little bit better. Mathematicians are needed, for example, in the following fields:

Does a math degree suit me?

That sounds interesting, but you are unsure whether studying mathematics is right for you? In addition to curiosity and a basic interest in mathematics, you should above all have these qualities:

✓ the courage to tackle complex problems

✓ enjoy logical and structured thinking

✓ a sporting ambition, diligence, perseverance, and stamina

✓ the ability to work in a team

✓ frustration tolerance with the understanding that even clever minds have to admit defeat to some tasks

Studying mathematics is not always easy, because some problems are tough. That's why you work in a team with your fellow students from the very beginning and search for solutions together with them. In return, you will be rewarded with amazing insights and valuable skills.

Does our mathematics degree meet your expectations? Take the check! With the interactive self-test (currently not available) you can check whether your expectations of studying mathematics are realistic, gain insights into the various components of the program and check whether you have the right prior knowledge.

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