Aerial view Ruhr-University Bochum
Building I-Row of the Ruhr-University Bochum at night



Prof. Dr. Karin Baur (Pure mathematics )
Prof. Dr. Alexander Ivanov (Algebra, in particular Arithmetic Geometry)
Jun.-Prof. Dr. Deniz Kus (Algebra)
Prof. Dr. Markus Reineke (Algebra)
Prof. Dr. Gerhard Röhrle (Algebra, in particular Lie Theory/Algebraic Groups/Representation Theory)
Prof. Dr. Christian Stump (Algebraic Combinatorics)

Prof. i.R. Dr. Hubert Flenner (Algebra and Geometry)
Prof. i.R. Dr. Lothar Gerritzen (Algebra)


Prof. Dr. Alberto Abbondandolo (Analysis)
Jun.-Prof. Dr. Luca Asselle (Geometry)
Prof. Dr. Barney Bramham (Analysis and Geometry)
Prof. Dr. Stéphanie Cupit-Foutou (Geometry and Representation theory)
Dr. Eva Glasmachers (Differential Geometry)
Dr. Jörg Härterich (Differential Equations)
Prof. Dr. Peter Heinzner (Transformation Groups)
Prof. Dr. Gerhard Knieper (Analysis, in particular Differential Geometry and Dynamical Systems)
Prof. Dr. Christian Lehn (Geometrie)
Dr. Annett Püttmann (Complex geometry)
Dr. Stefan Suhr (Geometry)
Prof. Dr. Jörg Winkelmann (Complex geometry)
Prof. Dr. Kai Zehmisch (symplectic geometry)

Prof. i.R. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Alan T. Huckleberry (Analysis)


Prof. Dr. Peter Eichelsbacher (Stochastics and Didactics)
Dr. Michael Kallweit (Didactics of Mathematics)
Prof. Dr. Katrin Rolka (Didactics of Mathematics)


Prof. Dr. Patrick Henning (Numerical Mathematics)
PD Dr. Daniela Kacso
Prof. Dr. Katharina Kormann (Numerical Mathematics)
Prof. Dr. Martin Kronbichler (Applied Numerical Mathematics)
Dr. Mario Lipinski (Numerical Mathematics)

Prof. i.R. Dr. Diedrich Braess (Numerival Mathematics, Multigrid and Sold Mechanics)
Prof. i.R. Dr. Rüdiger Verfürth (Numerical Mathematics, in particular Numerics of Partial Differential Equations)


Prof. Dr. Nicolai Bissantz (Statistics, in particular Applied Statistical and Inverse Problems)
Prof. Dr. Axel Bücher (Mathematical Statistics)
Prof. Dr. Herold Dehling (Stochastics, in particular Probability Theory and its Applications)
Prof. Dr. Holger Dette (Stochastics, in particular Mathematical Statistics)
Prof. Dr. Peter Eichelsbacher(Stochastics and Didactics)
Prof. Dr. Christof Külske (Mathematical Physics/Stochastics)
Prof. Dr. Christoph Thäle (Stochastics)


Prof. Dr. Gerd Laures (Topology)
PD Dr. Björn Schuster (Topology)
Dr. Matthew Spong (Topology)
Prof. Dr. Claudius Zibrowius (Low-dimensional Topology)

Prof. i.R. Dr. Gordon Wassermann) (Singularities)

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