You already have both feet firmly planted in your studies and would like to know what opportunities the Faculty of Mathematics offers to broaden your horizons? Already during your studies you can gain great experience, put theory into practice, for example in internships, or get a taste of international air.
You'll also find what you're looking for here if you're looking for very specific information and are wondering, for example, when the exam periods actually are.
You can always get the latest information about your study program via the Moodle course Mathematikstudium-Info!
Here you will also find all the news about teaching mathematics students during the pandemic.

You have the opportunity to apply your acquired knowledge in both the Bachelor of Science and the Bachelor of Arts.
In the Bachelor of Science, you will complete an eight-week internship in Module 5 "Practical Mathematics" (10 CP). This gives you the opportunity to get a taste of a possible future career as a full-time employee in industry. Alternatively, you can do a practical internship in computer science or statistics at the faculty.
The Bachelor of Arts offers the "Berufsfeldpraktikum" (5 CP) as a compulsory module in the optional area for the teaching profession. Here you can orientate yourself on the prefabricated internship package of the optional area. Possible variants in the BA are also the completion of a six-week full-time internship (10 CP) as well as the completion of the internship part-time or abroad. With these variants, you cover another 5 CP of the optional area in addition to the professional field internship.
International studies
The Erasmus program of the European Union offers a popular way to study abroad. Here you can study as a student of the Ruhr-Universität Bochum for one or two semesters at one of the partner universities of the Faculty of Mathematics. Currently, these are the following partners:
- Universitat de Barcelona (Spanien)
- University of Bergen (Norwegen)
- University of Durham ( Großbritannien)
- Université de Neuchâtel (Schweiz)
- Università degli Studi di Padova (Italien)
- Università di Pisa (Italien)
- Université de Rouen (Frankreich)
- Nikolaus-Kopernikus University Torun (Polen)
As each of these universities offers a limited number of study places each year (usually two), you should apply for an Erasmus scholarship for the following academic year by mid-December. Detailed information about the application and deadlines can be found on the page Outgoings.
In addition to the EU's Erasmus program, there are many other scholarship programs that support study stays at foreign universities. In most cases, these scholarships are more generous than the Erasmus scholarships; they also support stays at non-European universities. The application deadlines for such scholarships are often up to a year before the actual start of the stay abroad, so you should inform yourself very early. An application must be carefully prepared, otherwise there is little chance of success with these usually highly sought-after scholarships. More information is available from the International Office and the German Academic Exchange Service.
Studies and research

You will get your first contacts with research during your final thesis, in which you will deal scientifically with a mathematical topic of your choice.
You want to know what topics and areas the professors are working on? Then take a look at the research pages! Here you can learn more about exciting collaborative and individual projects that cover a wide range of mathematical subdisciplines. With one Cluster of Excellence, two Collaborative Research Centers and numerous other funded projects, our faculty is one of the strongest mathematics faculties in Germany. You will surely find a project in your area of interest.