Aerial view Ruhr-University Bochum
Building I-Row of the Ruhr-University Bochum at night


We see it as our task to share the findings of our research with other disciplines, industry and society, thus making them applicable. Close interaction and lively exchange ensure constructive progress in all areas. The knowledge transfer of our faculty is visible in many projects and already starts with pupils:


Alfried-Krupp student lab

How probable is it to pass a multiple-choice test without studying? What does a train ride have to do with mathematics? Students are introduced to the world of mathematics through numerous interactive projects. In exciting experiments, they get to the bottom of mathematical phenomena and get a taste of real university air along the way!


German Centre for Teacher Education in Mathematics

At the DZLM, the faculty's didacticians provide research-based and subject-related support for topic- and media-based teacher training for modern and inclusive mathematics teaching. The DZLM, initiated by the Deutsche Telekom Foundation, works at a total of nine university locations in Germany and interlinks science with practice.



WORLDFACTORY is a central transfer and start-up project of the Ruhr University Bochum. Scientists as well as students receive competent advice, rooms and infrastructure for practical testing as well as networking opportunities. The Worldfactory Start-up Center is an award-winning "Excellence Start-up Center.NRW".


To explore: Transfer at our faculty

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