If you are interested in writing a thesis in our research group, you are welcome to contact us with or without a topic and, preferably after participating in our courses.
You can also find information about my doctoral students at the Mathematics Genealogy Project.
Nupur Jain (since 2024)
Title: tbd
Elena Hoster (since 2022)
Title: tbd
Dr. Clément Chenevière (2020-2023)
Title: Enumerative study of intervals in lattices of Tamari type
Co-Supervisor: Frédéric Chapoton, Université de Strasbourg
Dr. Kathrin Meier (2019-2023)
Title: Probabilistic analysis of Coxeter statistics and STIT tessellations
Co-Supervisor: Christoph Thäle, RUB
Dr. Dennis Jahn (2019-2022)
Title: Combinatorics of subword complexes for finite type Coxeter systems
Dr. Jonathan Kliem (2018-2022)
Title: Applications of Topology, Combinatorics and Algorithms to Discrete Geometry
Co-Supervisor: Günter M. Ziegler, FU Berlin
master's theses
Max Osterlitz (2024)
Title: Polytopal Realization of Multi-Associahedra
Tim Strunkheide (2023)
Title: Tableau combinatorics and insertion algorithms
Elena Hoster (2022)
Title: On combinatorial formulas for Schur and Macdonald polynomials
bachelor's theses (partial list)
Christopher Schmidt (2023)
Title: Graphs, Determinants and Formal Proof Assistants
Joris Köfler (2022)
Title: On combinatorial models for positive Grassmannians with a view towards Amplituhedra
Max Osterlitz (2022)
Title: The Hook formula and its Generalizations
Lydia Driesen (2019)
Title: Turingmaschinen und rekursive Funktionen
Tabeo Herz (2018)
Title: Kegelschnitte in der projektiven Ebene
Theresa Allner (2017)
Title: Das Simplexverfahren und seine Anwendung zur Lösung ganzzahliger linearer Optimierungsprobleme
Christine Meißner (2017)
Title: Der Klassifikationssatz für Friese im R2
Nam Hoang Tran (2017)
Title: Mathematische Grundlagen von Sortieralgorithmen für das WorldWideWeb
Friederike Skarupke (2017)
Title: Lineare Gleichungssysteme und einige Anwendungen
Arno Kühner (2016)
Title: Der Satz von Pappus
Fabian Stollin (2016)
Title: Dreiecks- und Kreiskonstruktionen nach Euklid
Benjamin Deutz (2016)
Title: Die Axiomatik der hyperbolischen Geometrie
Rene Andler (2015)
Title: Polyeder und ihre Symmetrien
Paula Engel (2015)
Title: Konstruktionsprobleme und ihre Algebraisierung
Constanze Sienknecht (2015)
Title: Characterization Of Hilbert Planes