Niklas Schubert

- Mathematische Physik
- Stark wechselwirkende stochastische Prozesse
- Transformierte Maße in Modellen der statistischen Mechanik
- Ungeordnete Systeme in der statistischen Mechanik
IB 2/53
- SoSe24: Zwei Übungen und Lehrassistent für Mathematik 2 Physik
- WiSe23/24: MathePlus für ET/IT
- Non-Atomicity of the extremal decomposition of Gibbs states with finite localization sets for clock models on Cayley trees, Westfälische Stochastiktage 2024, 19.-20. September 2024
- On the extremal decomposition of Gibbs states with finite localization sets for clock models on trees,52th Probability Summer School Saint-Flour (Frankreich), 01.-13. Juli 2024
- Non-Gibbsianness for the Bernoulli field on the Cayley tree under the removal of isolated sites, 16th German Probability and Statistics Days (GPSD) Essen, 07.-10. März 2023
Referee für:
[2] C. Külske, N. Schubert, A-localized states for clock models on trees and their extremal decomposition into glassy states. Preprint available at arXiv:2411.10271
[1] F. Henning, C. Külske, N. Schubert, Gibbs Properties of the Bernoulli field on inhomogeneous trees under the removal of isolated sites. Markov Process. Relat. Fields 29, pp. 641-659, (2023). Article PDF
Quasilocality and non-quasilocality for the Bernoulli field on the Cayley tree under removal of isolated sites
Master Thesis, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, 2023
Die FKG Ungleichung: Ein statischer und ein dynamischer Beweis im Vergleich
Bachelor Thesis, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, 2021