Spring School on "Real, Complex, and Symplectic Reflection Groups"

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From Monday 6 March until Friday 10 March, 2023 we will host a Spring School on "Real, Complex, and Symplectic Reflection Groups", on the Ruhr-University Bochum Campus.

This spring school aims at introducing junior researchers to a variety of topics in the theory of reflection groups, reflection arrangements, and related topics. The school will consist of three lecture series given over four days, followed by a day of conference-style talks.

Lecture series will be given by Götz Pfeiffer (Galway), Ulrich Thiel (Kaiserslautern), and Masahiko Yoshinaga (Osaka). Additional talks will be given by Eirini Chavli (Stuttgart), Michael Cuntz (Hannover), Paul Mücksch (Kyushu), and Tan Tran (Bochum).

Organisers: Georges Neaime, Gerhard Röhrle, Christian Stump

For the conference site see:

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