PD Dr. Hans Franzen

New homepage
I have moved to Paderborn University. Please visit my new homepage. My new email address is hans.franzen(at)math.upb.de
- Summer 21: Algebra and Number Theory for teacher training students at Univ. Jena
- Summer 21: Commutative Algebra at Univ. Jena
- Summer 20: Exercise classes for Linear algebra II; lecturer Christian Stump
- Winter 19/20: Exercise classes for Linear algebra I; lecturer Christian Stump
- Summer 19: Exercise classes for Mathematics II for Engineers; lecturer Markus Reineke
- Winter 18/19: Foundations in Representation Theory at Bonn University
- Summer 18: Algebra 1 and Hauptseminar Algebra at Bonn University
- Winter 17/18: Schemes
- Winter 16/17: Exercise classes for Linear algebra I; lecturer Markus Reineke
- Torus Actions on Quotients of Affine Spaces. Jt. w/ Ana-Maria Brecan
Preprint 2022. arxiv:2201.04879 - Tautological bases of CoHA modules. Jt. w/ Sergey Mozgovoy
Preprint 2021. arxiv:2111.10114
- Weight Spaces and Attracting Sets for Torus Actions on Quiver Moduli. Jt. w/ Magdalena Boos
To appear in Bull. LMS. arxiv:2002.12049 - Rationality of Rigid Quiver Grassmannians
Algebr. Represent. Th. or arxiv:1903.04327 - Cell decompositions and algebraicity of cohomology for quiver Grassmannians. Jt. w/ Giovanni Cerulli Irelli, Francesco Esposito, and Markus Reineke
Adv. Math. or arxiv:1804.07736 - Fano quiver moduli. Jt. w/ Markus Reineke and Silvia Sabatini
Canad. Math. Bull. or arxiv:2001.10556 - Torus-Equivariant Chow Rings of Quiver Moduli.
SIGMA - On the Cohomological Hall Algebra of the Kronecker Quiver. Jt. w/ Markus Reineke
Contemp. Math. or arxiv:1904.09224 - Cohomology Rings of Moduli of Point Configurations on the Projective Line. Jt. w/ Markus Reineke
Proc. AMS or arxiv:1611.01092 - The Value of the Kac Polynomial at One. Jt. w/ Thorsten Weist
Quart. J. Math. or arxiv:1608.03419 - Cohomological orientifold Donaldson-Thomas invariants as Chow groups. Jt. w/ Matthew B. Young
Selecta Math. or arxiv:1605.06596 - Semi-Stable Chow-Hall Algebras of Quivers and Quantized Donaldson-Thomas Invariants. Jt. w/ Markus Reineke
Algebra & Number Th. or arxiv:1512.03748 - Non-Schurian indecomposables via intersection theory. Jt. w/ Thorsten Weist
JPAA or arxiv:1508.04643 - On the Semi-Stable CoHa and its Modules Arising from Smooth Models
J. Algebra or arxiv:1502.04327 - On Cohomology Rings of Non-Commutative Hilbert Schemes and CoHa-Modules.
Math. Res. Lett. or arxiv:1312.1499 - Chow Rings of Fine Quiver Moduli are Tautologically Presented
Math. Z. or arxiv:1307.3066
- Cohomology and Intersection Theory of Moduli Spaces Associated with Quivers
Habilitationsschrift 2020. - Donaldson–Thomas Invariants of Quivers as Chow Groups
OWR Interactions between Algebraic Geometry and Noncommutative Algebra 2018 - Cohomology of Non-Commutative Hilbert Schemes as CoHa-Modules
OWR Interactions between Algebraic Geometry and Noncommutative Algebra 2014. - On Chow Rings of Fine Quiver Moduli and Modules over the Cohomological Hall Algebra
Dissertation 2014. Link