Dr. Marius Kroll
Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter
Ruhr-Universität Bochum
Fakultät für Mathematik
Lehrstuhl für Stochastik
IB 2/89
Universitätsstraße 150
D-44801 Bochum
+49 234 / 32-23185

Nach Vereinbarung
- U- und V-Statistiken
- Bootstrap
- Kurzzeitabhängige Prozesse
- Nichtparametrische Statistik
- Dette, H. and Kroll, M. (2024)
A Simple Bootstrap for Chatterjee's Rank Correlation.
DOI: 10.1093/biomet/asae045 - Kroll, M. (2022).
Asymptotic Behaviour of the Empirical Distance Covariance for Dependent Data.
Journal of Theoretical Probability, 35(2), 1226-1246
DOI: 10.1007/s10959-021-01073-w
arXiv: 2007.08936
- Dette, H. and Kroll, M. (2024+)
Detecting practically significant dependencies in infinite dimensional data via distance correlations.
arXiv: 2411.16177 - Kroll, M. (2024+)
Asymptotic Normality of Chatterjee's Rank Correlation.
arXiv: 2408.11547 - Kroll, M. (2024+)
Asymptotic Normality of U-Statistics is Equivalent to Convergence in the Wasserstein Distance.
arXiv: 2405.06477
- Betken, A., Dehling, H. & Kroll, M. (2021+)
Block Bootstrapping the Empirical Distance Covariance.
arXiv: 2112.14091
- The Empirical Distance Covariance of Weakly Dependent Data.
Dissertation Mathematik, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, 2023
Prof. Dr. Herold Dehling - Die Distance Correlation im \(\mathbb{R}^n\) und in separablen metrischen Räumen.
Masterarbeit Mathematik, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, 2019
Prof. Dr. Herold Dehling - Pollards zentraler Grenzwertsatz.
Bachelorarbeit Mathematik, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, 2017
Prof. Dr. Angelika Rohde
- Bootstrap Consistency and Normality of Chatterjee's Rank Correlation.
German Probability and Statistics Days 2025.
11.-14.03.2025 - Bootstrap Consistency and Asymptotic Normality of Chatterjee's Rank Correlation.
Universität Hamburg.
14.01.2025 - Detecting Practically Significant Dependencies in Infinite Dimensional Data.
Bernoulli-ims 11th World Congress in Probability and Statistics, Bochum
12. - 16. August 2024. - Testing Independence of Mixing Time Series Using the Distance Covariance.
CMStatistics 2023, Berlin
16. - 18. Dezember 2023. - An Independent Block Bootstrap for the Distance Covariance and a Bound for the Wasserstein Distance.
Technische Universität Braunschweig
3. Mai 2023. - A Test for Independence of Time Series Based on the Distance Covariance.
German Probability and Statistics Days 2023
Essen, 7. - 10. März 2023.
- Seit Oktober 2023 bin ich Mitglied des Executive Boards der RUB Research School.
- Träger des Ruth Massenberg-Preises für die beste mathematische Dissertation 2023