Prof. Dr. Axel Bücher

Lehr­stuhl­in­haber Mathematische Statistik

Ruhr-Uni­ver­si­tät Bo­chum
Fa­kul­tät für Ma­the­ma­tik
Lehr­stuhl für Mathematische Statistik
Ge­bäu­de IB 2/179
Uni­ver­si­täts­stra­ße 150
D-44780 Bo­chum

+49 234/32-27548



Nach Ver­ein­ba­rung

Über mich

Von 2003 bis 2008 habe ich Mathematik an der Ruhr-Universität Bochum studiert und im Anschluss meine Promotion unter der Betreuung von Prof. Holger Dette abgeschlossen. Mein Forschungsschwerpunkt lag dabei auf statistischen Verfahren für Copulafunktionen. Seitdem arbeite ich an vielfältigen Themen in der mathematischen Statistik. Zunächst war ich als wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter tätig und später wurde ich Teilprojektleiter in einem von der DFG finanzierten Sonderforschungsbereich in Bochum.

Nach einem PostDoc-Aufenthalt an der Université catholique de Louvain in Belgien im Jahr 2013 und zwei Professurvertretungen in Heidelberg und Dortmund, wurde ich 2018 auf eine W3-Professur für Mathematische Statistik an die Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf berufen. Seit Oktober 2023 bin ich zurück an der Ruhr-Universität und hier ebenfalls als Professor für Mathematische Statistik tätig.


  • Extremwertstatistik
  • Nichtparametrische Statistik, insbesondere für Copulafunktionen
  • Empirische Prozesse
  • Zeitreihenanalyse
  • Strukturbruchanalyse
  • Statistik für stochastische Prozesse


Zur Veröffentlichung eingereicht:

  1. Bücher, A. und Haufs, E. (2025+):
    Extreme Value Analysis based on Blockwise Top-Two Order Statistics.​​​​​​​
  2. Bücher, A. und Dette, H. (2024+):
    On the lack of weak continuity of Chatterjee's correlation coefficient.
  3. Bücher, A. und Staud, T. (2024+):
    Bootstrapping Estimators based on the Block Maxima Method.
  4. Bücher, A. und Pakzad, C. (2024+):
    The empirical copula process in high dimensions: Stute's representation and applications.

In referierten Zeitschriften:

  1. Bücher, A. und Staud, T. (2025):
    On the maximal correlation coefficient for the bivariate Marshall Olkin distribution.
    Statistics and Probability Letters, Vol. 219, 110323.
  2. Bücher, A. und Staud, T. (2024):
    Limit theorems for non-degenerate U-statistics of block maxima for time series.
    Electronic Journal of Statistics, 18(2), 2850-2885.
  3. Bücher, A. und Rosenstock, A. (2024):
    Combined modelling of micro-leveloutstanding claim counts and individual claim frequencies in general insurance.
    European Actuarial Journal, Volume 14, 623-655.
  4. Bücher, A. und Jennessen T. (2024):
    Statistics for Heteroscedastic Time Series Extremes.
    Bernoulli, Vol. 30(1), 46-71.
  5. Bücher, A. und Pakzad, C. (2024):
    Testing for independence in high dimensions based on empirical copulas.
    Annals of Statistics, Vol. 52(1), 311-334.
  6. Zanger, L., Bücher, A., Kreienkamp, F., Lorenz, P. und Tradowsky, J. (2024):
    Regional Pooling in Extreme Event Attribution Studies: an Approach Based on Multiple Statistical Testing.
    Extremes, Vol. 27, 1–32.
  7. Bücher, A. und Jennessen T. (2024):
    Weighted weak convergence of the sequential tail empirical process for heteroscedastic time series with an application to tail index estimation.
    Extremes, Vol. 27, 163–184.
  8. Bücher, A. und Zanger, L. (2023):
    On the Disjoint and Sliding Block Maxima method for piecewise stationary time series.
    Annals of Statistics, Vol. 51(2), 573-598.
  9. Bücher, A., Dette, H. und Heinrichs, F. (2023):
    A Portmanteau-type test for detecting serial correlation in locally stationary functional time series.
    Statistical Inference for Stochastic Processes, Vol. 26, 255–278.
  10. Bücher, A., Genest, C., Lockhart, R., und Nešlehová, J. (2023):
    Asymptotic behavior of an intrinsic rank-based estimator of the Pickands dependence function constructed from B-splines.
    Extremes, Vol. 26, 101–138.
  11. Lilienthal, J., Zanger, L., Bücher, A. und Fried, R. (2022):
    A note on statistical tests for homogeneities in multivariate extreme value models for block maxima.
    Environmetrics, e2746.
  12. Bücher, A. und Rosenstock, A. (2023):
    Micro-level Prediction of Outstanding Claim Counts using Neural Networks.
    European Actuarial Journal, Vol. 13, 55–90.
  13. Bücher, A. und Jennessen T. (2022):
    Statistical analysis for stationary time series at extreme levels: new estimators for the limiting cluster size distribution.
    Stochastic Processes and their Applications, Vol. 149, 75-106.
  14. Bücher, A., Dette, H. und Heinrichs, F. (2021):
    Are deviations in a gradually varying mean relevant? A testing approach based on sup-norm estimators.
    Annals of Statistics, Vol. 49, No. 6, 3583-3617.
  15. Bücher A. Jaser, M. und Min, A. (2021):
    Detecting departures from meta-ellipticity for multivariate stationary time series.
    Dependence Modeling, Vol. 9, No. 1, 121-140.
  16. Bücher, A. und Zhou, C. (2021):
    A horse race between the block maxima method and the peak-over-threshold approach.
    Statistical Science, Vol. 36, No. 3, 360-378.
  17. Bücher, A., Fried, R., Kinsvater, P. und Lilienthal, J. (2021):
    Penalized Quasi-Maximum-Likelihood Estimation for Extreme Value Models with Application to Flood Frequency Analysis.
    Extremes, Vol. 24, 325–348.
  18. Bücher, A., Volgushev, S. und Zou, N. (2021):
    Multiple block sizes and overlapping blocks for multivariate time series extremes.
    Annals of Statistics, Vol. 49, No. 1, 295-320.
  19. Bücher, A. und Jennessen T. (2020):
    Method of moments estimators for the extremal index of a stationary time series.
    Electronic Journal Of Statistics, Vol. 14, No. 2, 3103-3156.
  20. Bücher, A., Dette, H. und Heinrichs, F. (2020):
    Detecting deviations from second-order stationarity in locally stationary functional time series.
    Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics, Vol. 72(4), 1055-1094.
  21. Bücher, A., Posch, P. N. und Schmidtke, P. (2020):
    Using the Extremal Index for Value-at-Risk Backtesting.
    Journal of Financial Econometrics, Vol. 18 (3), 556–584.
  22. Bücher, A., Volgushev, S. und Zou, N. (2019):
    On second order conditions in the multivariate block maxima and peak over threshold method.
    Journal of Multivariate Analysis, Vol. 173, 604-619.
  23. Bücher, A., Fermanian, J.-D. und Kojadinovic, I. (2019):
    Combining cumulative sum change-point detection tests for assessing the stationarity of univariate time series.
    Journal of Time Series Analysis, Vol. 40, 124-150.
  24. Bücher, A. und Kojadinovic, I. (2019):
    A note on conditional versus joint unconditional weak convergence in bootstrap consistency results.
    Journal of Theoretical Probability, Vol. 32(3), 1145-1165.
  25. Berghaus, B. und Bücher, A. (2018):
    Weak Convergence of a Pseudo Maximum Likelihood Estimator for the Extremal Index.
    Annals of Statistics, Vol. 46(5), 2307-2335.
  26. Bücher, A. und Segers, J. (2018):
    Inference for heavy tailed stationary time series based on sliding blocks.
    Electronic Journal of Statistics, Vol. 12(1), 1098–1125.
  27. Bücher, A. und Segers, J. (2018):
    Maximum likelihood estimation for the Fréchet distribution based on block maxima extracted from a time series.
    Bernoulli Vol. 24(2), 1427–1462.
  28. Bücher, A. und Segers, J. (2017):
    On the maximum likelihood estimator for the Generalized Extreme-Value distribution.
    Extremes, Vol. 20(4), 839–872.
  29. Bücher, A., Irresberger, F. und Weiß, G. (2017):
    Testing Asymmetry in Dependence with Copula-Coskewness.
    North American Actuarial Journal, Vol. 21, 267–280.
  30. Bücher, A., Kinsvater, P. und Kojadinovic, I. (2017):
    Detecting breaks in the dependence of multivariate extreme-value distributions.
    Extremes, Vol. 20(1), 53-89.
  31. Berghaus, B. und Bücher, A. (2017):
    Goodness-of-fit tests for multivariate copula-based time series models.
    Econometric Theory, Vol. 33(2), 292–330.
  32. Berghaus, B., Bücher, A. und Volgushev, S. (2017):
    Weak convergence of the empirical copula process with respect to weighted metrics.
    Bernoulli, Vol. 23(1), 743–772.
  33. Bücher, A., Hoffmann, M., Vetter, M. und Dette, H. (2017):
    Nonparametric tests for detecting breaks in the jump behaviour of a time-continuous process.
    Bernoulli, Vol. 23(2), 1335–1364.
  34. Bücher, A. und Kojadinovic, I. (2016):
    A dependent multiplier bootstrap for the sequential empirical copula process under strong mixing.
    Bernoulli, Vol. 22(2), 927–968.
  35. Bücher, A., Jäschke, S. und Wied, D. (2015):
    Nonparametric tests for constant tail dependence with an application to energy and finance.
    Journal of Econometrics, Vol. 187(1), 154–168.
  36. Bücher, A. (2015):
    A note on weak convergence of the sequential multivariate empirical process under strong mixing.
    Journal of Theoretical Probability, Vol. 28(3), 1028–1037.
  37. Bücher, A. und Kojadinovic, I. (2015):
    Dependent multiplier bootstraps for nondegenerate U-statistics under mixing conditions with applications.
    Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, Vol. 170, 83–105.
  38. Bücher, A., Segers, J. und Volgushev, S. (2014):
    When uniform weak convergence fails: empirical processes for dependence functions and residuals via epi- and hypographs.
    Annals of Statistics, Vol. 42, 1598–1634.
  39. Bücher, A. und Segers, J. (2014):
    Extreme value copula estimation based on block maxima of a multivariate stationary time series.
    Extremes, Vol. 13, 495–528.
  40. Bücher, A. (2014):
    A note on nonparametric estimation of bivariate tail dependence.
    Statistics & Risk Modeling, Vol. 31, 151–162.
  41. Bücher, A., Kojadinovic, I., Rohmer, T. und Segers, J. (2014):
    Detecting changes in cross-sectional dependence in multivariate time series.
    Journal of Multivariate Analysis, Vol. 132, 111–128.
  42. Berghaus, B. und Bücher, A. (2014):
    Nonparametric tests for tail monotonicity.
    Journal of Econometrics, Vol. 180(2), 117–126.
  43. Bücher, A. und Vetter, M. (2013):
    Nonparametric Inference on Lévy measures and copulas.
    Annals of Statistics, Vol. 41, 1485–1515.
  44. Bücher, A. und Dette, H. (2013):
    Multiplier bootstrap of tail copulas – with applications.
    Bernoulli, Vol. 5(A), 1655–1687.
  45. Bücher, A. und Ruppert, M. (2013):
    Consistent testing for a constant copula under strong mixing based on the tapered block multiplier technique.
    Journal of Multivariate Analysis, Vol. 116, 208–229.
  46. Bücher, A. und Volgushev, S. (2013):
    Empirical and sequential empirical copula processes under serial dependence.
    Journal of Multivariate Analysis, Vol. 119, 61–70.
  47. Berghaus, B., Bücher, A. und Dette H. (2013):
    Minimum distance estimators of the Pickands dependence function and related tests of multivariate extreme-value dependence.
    Journal de la Societé Francaise de Statistique, Vol. 154, 116– 137.
  48. Bücher, A., Dette, H. und Volgushev, S. (2012):
    A test for Archimedeanity in bivariate copula models.
    Journal of Multivariate Analysis, Vol. 110, 121–132.
  49. Bücher, A., Dette, H. und Volgushev, S. (2011):
    New estimators of the Pickands dependence function and a test for extreme-value dependence.
    Annals of Statistics, Vol. 39, No. 4, 1963–2006.
  50. Bücher, A., Dette, H. und Wieczorek, G. (2011):
    Testing model assumptions in functional regression models.
    Journal of Multivariate Analysis, Vol. 102, 1472– 1488.
  51. Bücher, A. und Dette, H. (2010):
    A note on bootstrap approximations for the empirical copula process.
    Statistics and Probability Letters, Vol. 80, 1925–1932.
  52. Bücher, A. und Dette, H. (2010):
    Some comments on goodness-of-fit tests for the parametric form of the copula based on L2-distances.
    Journal of Multivariate Analysis, Vol. 101, 749–763.

Referierte Buchkapitel:

  1. Bücher, A., El Ghouch, A. und Van Keilegom, I. (2021):
    Single-index quantile regression models for censored data. In: Daouia A., Ruiz-Gazen A. (eds)Advances in Contemporary Statistics and Econometrics.
    Springer, Cham,
  2. Bücher, A. und Kojadinovic, I. (2015):
    An overview of nonparametric tests of extremevalue dependence. In: Dey, D. and Yan, J: Extreme Value Modeling and Risk Analysis: Methods and Applications.
    Crc Press Inc
    , 2015, 377–398.

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