
September 25, 2024

FUN PROJECT: Opening analysis Chess960
Together with Galen Dorpalen-Barry, we identify optimal openings for all Chess960 variants by analyzing about 20 million Stockfish 16 games. We formally define "opening", rediscover classical openings (e.g., Queen's Gambit, Sicilian Defense, Ruy Lopez) for standard chess, and identify novel openings for all other variants. [more details]

September 23, 2024

Spanish-German research project approved
The German DFG and the Spanish AEI approved our joint project Combinatorial Polytope Theory with two PhD positions (one with me and one with my co-PI Raman Sanyal, Frankfurt) and one PostDoc position with our co-PIs Arnau Padrol and Vincent Pilaud (Barcelona). The project is about the "combinatorics of polytope theory" in discrete geometry and geometric combinatorics on the one hand, and the "concrete theory of special combinatorial polytopes" in algebraic combinatorics on the other hand.

September 23, 2024

New PhD Position "Machine Learning Methods in Algebraic Combinatorics"
We offer a PhD position in our DFG project "Machine Learning Combinatorial Statistics and Maps" as part of our research team. The application deadline is October 15. [more details | official listing]

Feel free to contact me directly via email if you have questions!

September 13, 2024

Marie Brandenburg has accepted our offer for a W1 junior professorship
Coming from KTH Stockholm, Sweden, she will join the coordination team for the DFG priority program "Combinatorial Synergies" in December as part of the research team. [Marie's website]

We are very much looking forward to having her on board.

July 26, 2024

Nupur Jain has accepted our offer for a PhD position
Coming from the Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur, she will join our DFG project "Machine Learning Combinatorial Statistics and Maps" in October as part of our research team.

We are very much looking forward to having her on board.

July 26, 2024

FPSAC 2024 @ RUB
Wow! The 36th International Conference on Formal Power Series and Algebraic Combinatorics took place in Bochum from July 22-26, with 282 participants from 32 countries, 10 invited talks, 27 contributed talks, and 80 posters.

What an intense week! [read more]

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