- Algebra, representation theory, combinatorics and geometry - Prof. Dr. Karin Baur
- Combinatorics, in particular combinatorial / discrete Geometry, polytopes, tropical geometry - Jun.-Prof. Dr. Marie-Charlotte Brandenburg
- Arithmetic Algebraic Geometry, Representation Theory, in particular Langlands-program - Gruppe Prof. Dr. Alexander Ivanov
- Algebra, Representation Theory, Algebraic Combinatorics, Quantum Groups - Group Jun.-Prof. Dr. Deniz Kuş
- Algebra, in particular Representation Theory and Algebraic Geometry - Group Prof. Dr. Markus Reineke
- Algebra, in particular Lie Theory, Algebraic Groups, Representation Theory, Hyperplane Arrangements - Group Prof. Dr. Gerhard Röhrle</li>
- Algebraic Combinatorics: Reflection Groups, Root Systems, Hyperplane Arrangements, Noncrossing Discrete Structures - Group Prof. Dr. Christian Stump
- Algebraic Geometry, Affine Geometry and Commutative Algebra</strong> - tps://">Prof. i.R. Dr. Hubert Flenner
Jun.-Prof. Dr. Deniz Kus (Algebra)
Prof. Dr. Markus Reineke
- Analysis - Prof. Dr. Alberto Abbondandolo
- Geometry - Jun.-Prof. Dr. Luca Asselle
- Symplectic Geometry and Hamiltonian Systems - Prof. Dr. Barney Bramham
- Geometry and Representation theory - Group Prof. Dr. Stéphanie Cupit-Foutou
- Birational Geometry - Jun.-Prof. Dr. Cécile Gachet
- Differential Equations - Dr. Jörg Härterich
- Differential Geometry: in particular nonpositively curved Manifolds, Geodasic Flows, Asymptotic Geometry, Dynamical Systems: in particular topological Dynamics, Differentiable Ergodic Theory, Hamiltonian Systems - Group Prof. Dr. Gerhard Knieper
- Geometry - Group Prof. Dr. Christian Lehn
- Theory of Optimal Transport, Geometric Calculus of Variations, Lorentz Geometry and Mathematical Problems of Relativity Theory, Closed Geodesics, Zoll Manifolds, Symplectic and Contact Geometry, Theory of Polyfolds, Theory of Lyapunov Functions - Dr. Stefan Suhr
- Complex Analysis, in particular Value Distribution Theory , Algebraic Geometry, Lie Groups and discret Subgroups - Group Prof. Dr. Jörg Winkelmann
- Symplectic Geometry, Contakt Topology, Holomorphic Curves, Reeb Dynamics, Fillings, Polyfolds - Prof. Dr. Kai Zehmisch
- Complex Analysis, Lie Groups: Structure, Action and Representation, Algebraic Geometry - Prof. i.R. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Alan T. Huckleberry
- Stochastics and Didactics - Group Prof. Dr. Peter Eichelsbacher
- Einsatz digitaler Mathematikaufgaben in Schule und Hochschule - Dr. Michael Kallweit
- Beliefs, Bilingual Learning and Teaching, Conceptual Change, Student Conceptions, Qualitative and Quantitative Research Methods - Group Prof. Dr. Katrin Rolka
- Numerical Analysis, Partial Differential Equations, Multiscale Phenomena, Applications in Quantum Mechanics - Group Prof. Dr. Patrick Henning
- Structure-preserving Numerical Methods, High-dimesional Problems, Low-rank Tensor Discretizations, High-Performance Computing, Computational Plasma Physics - Prof. Dr. Katharina Kormann
- Higher-order finite element methods / Iterative methods for solving large systems of linear equations / Multi-grid method / Development of mathematical software for exascale supercomputers / Computational Fluid Dynamics - Prof. Dr. Martin Kronbichler
- Numerical Mathematics: Numerical Solutions of Partial Differential Equations - Prof. i.R. Dr. Rüdiger Verfürth
- Numerical Mathematics, Multigrid Methods and Solid Mechanics - Prof. i.R. Dr. Dietrich Braess
- Statistics (Mathematical and Applied, in particular Statistical Problems in Inverse Problem Theory, Image Reconstruction and Application in Science/IT/Life Sciences) - Group Prof. Dr. Nicolai Bissantz
- Extreme value statistics, Nonparametric statistics, copulas, Empirical processes, Time series, Change point analysis, Statistics for stochastic processes - Gruppe Prof. Dr. Axel Bücher
- Probability Theory and its Applications: Limit Theorems in Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics, in particular ASymptotic Behaviour of Dependent Processes, Stochastic Modeling, Statistical Applications - Group Prof. Dr. Herold Dehling
- Optimal Design of Experiments, Nonparametric Regression, Goodness-of-fit Tests, Markov Processes, Special Functions, Matrix-valued Measures, Random Matrices, Financial Statistics - Group Prof. Dr. Holger Dette
- Moderate and large Deviations, Stein's Method, Random Matrices, Random Walks, Gibbs Measures, Symmetric Statistics, Didactics of Stochastics - Group Prof. Dr. Peter Eichelsbacher
- Mathematical Physics, Interacting Stochastic Systems, Gibbs Measures, Phase Transitions - Group Prof. Dr. Christof Külske
- Spatial Stochastics: Stochastic Geometry and Geometric Probability, Point processes, Limit Theorems for Spatial Random Structures - Group Prof. Dr. Christoph Thäle
- Algebraic Topology, in particular Elliptic Cohomology and stabile Homotopy Theory - Prof. Dr. Gerd Laures
- Algebraic Topology - Prof. Dr. Björn Schuster
- Topologie - Dr. Matthew Spong
- Singularities - Prof. i.R. Dr. Gordon Wassermann
- Low-dimensional Topology - Prof. Dr. Claudius Zibrowius