Prof. Dr. Christof Külske



List of Publications
List of Coauthors

Recent Publications:

[89] C. Külske, The Ising model: Highlights and perspectives. Preprint available at arXiv.2501.05394

[88] F. Henning, C. Külske, Height-offset variables and pinning at infinity for gradient Gibbs measures on trees. Preprint available at arXiv.2411.13465

[87] C. Külske, N. Schubert, A-localized states for clock models on trees and their extremal decomposition into glassy states. Preprint available at arXiv:2411.10271

[86] B. Jahnel, C. Külske, A. Zass, Locality properties for discrete and continuum Widom-Rowlinson models in random environments. Preprint available at arXiv:2311.07146

[85] L. Coquille, C. Kuelske, A. Le Ny Non-Atomicity of the extremal decomposition of the free state for finite-spin models on Cayley trees. To appear in Ann. Inst. H. Poincaré Probab. Statist. Article PDF

[84] A. Abbondandolo, F. Henning, C. Külske, P. Majer, Infinite-volume states with irreducible localization sets for gradient models on trees. J. Stat. Phys. 191:63, (2023)

Lecture Notes/ Talks
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