
Lectures (in Bonn and Frankfurt)

Winter 2021/22: Seminar (S4A1) - Étale cohomology (advanced topics)

Summer 2021: Lecture (V4A2) - Étale cohomology

Summer 2020: Lecture (V4A1) - Algebraic Geometry 2

Winter 2019/20: Lecture (V4A1) - Algebraic Geometry 1

Summer 2019: Lecture (V5A4) - Deligne-Lusztig theory

Winter 2018/19:


Winter 2017/18: Lecture (V5A3) Linear Algebraic Groups Former teaching (at the TU Munich)

Winter 2015/16: Organization of the exercise sessions for the lecture ''Mathematik für Physiker 1 (Linear Algebra)'' of Prof. Dr. E. Viehmann

Winter 2015/16: Advanced seminar ''Special cycles on Shimura varieties'' (with Prof. Dr. E. Viehmann)

Summer 2015: Organisation of the exercise sessions for the lecture ''Commutative algebra'' of Prof. Dr. C. Liedtke

Summer 2014: Seminar ''Lie algebras'' (with Prof. Dr. C. Liedtke)

Summer 2014: Advanced seminar ''Period spaces and maps'' (with B. Werner)

Winter 2013/14: Seminar ''Classical algebraic geometry'' (with Prof. Dr. C. Liedtke)

Winter 2013/14: Advanced seminar ''Shimura varieties of infinite level at p'' (with Dr. P. Hamacher), cooperation with Universities of Bielefeld and Paderborn

Summer 2013: Exercise sessions for the lecture ''Computeralgebra'' of Prof. Dr. G. Kemper

Summer 2013: Advanced seminar ''Perfectoid spaces'' (with Dr. P. Hamacher)

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