Pre-course 2021

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Beginning in September, the Department of Mathematics will offer pre-college mathematics courses for future students of mathematics, computer science, physics, engineering and natural sciences. Those who would like to refresh their mathematical school knowledge beforehand can take the online refresher course starting August 31.

In the preliminary courses, participants not only get to know the typical teaching format of lectures and exercises, but also find a smooth thematic introduction to university mathematics and can establish initial contacts with fellow students.

Due to the expected number of participants, the preliminary course for engineering and science programs is held exclusively digitally, while the preliminary course for mathematics, computer science, and physics programs is held using a hybrid model that includes a day of presence on campus. However, it is also possible to take this preliminary course exclusively digitally.

Important: Only people who can prove that they have one of the 3Gs are admitted to the campus. If you would like to take a digital look at the mathematics program, you can do so here!


Infographic pre-course mathematics
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