Dr. Maria Bertozzi

I co-organized a workshop on the Interplay between symplectic geometry and cluster theory , that took place at the IWH in Heidelberg from 16th to 18th January, 2023.

Research focus

  • Representation Theory (of finite dimensional algebras)
  • Symplectic geometry

Publications and preprints

  • Infinite staircases for Hirzebruch surfaces, with Tara Holm, Emily Maw, Dusa McDuff, Grace Mwakyoma, Ana Rita Pires, and Morgan Weiler. In: Acu, B., Cannizzo, C., McDuff, D., Myer, Z., Pan, Y., Traynor, L. (eds) Research Directions in Symplectic and Contact Geometry and Topology. Association for Women in Mathematics Series, vol 27. Springer, Cham. DOI
  • Momentum map images of representation spaces of quivers, with Markus Reineke. Journal of Lie Theory 32 (2022), No. 3, 797--812.

Recent conferences and presentations


  • ICRA 2022, Montevideo Uruguay und Buenos Aires, Argentina, August
    Talk: Moduli Spaces of Real Quiver Representations
  • Research school: Symplectic singularities in geometry and representation theory, CIRM Luminy Marseille, April


  • PhD and Postdoc in Representation theory conference, Aachen (Zoom), January
    Talk: Moduli Spaces of Real Quiver Representations


  • SoSe 2019 Co-organizer with L. Barth and A. Pütz of the Basic Notions seminar.
  • Reviewer for the RUB Research School.
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