The state NRW supports start-ups from Bochum

Created by Jens Wylkop | |   Transfer

Base Analytics: Michael Senske and Patrick Balzerowski calculate how valuable a soccer player is to his team using methods they actually need for their doctorate in the Cluster of Excellence "Ruhr Explores Solvation". With their algorithm, they can determine the most valuable players in a league in about an hour - information that is useful as a pre-filter for scouting.

The RUBs transfer concept continues to gain momentum. In a nationwide competition, young entrepreneurs from Bochum once again come out on top.

Once again, planned spin-offs from RUB are pleased with their success in the "Start-up University Spin-off" competition. Two out of six funded projects come from RUB - which again puts it ahead in North Rhine-Westphalia. In the previous round of the competition, RUB was already the best in the state with three out of twelve funding commitments.

Inspiring young people

"This consistent success shows that our strategy is working," says Professor Dr. Andreas Ostendorf, Vice Rector for Research, Transfer and Young Academics at RUB. "In the course of our transfer concept Worldfactory, we want to raise more young people's awareness and enthusiasm for entrepreneurship so that they implement their good ideas for the market."

Funding is provided for these RUB start-ups from the fifth round of the competition:

  • Base Analytics: Michael Senske and Patrick Balzerowski calculate how valuable a soccer player is for his team using methods they actually need for their doctorate in the Cluster of Excellence "Ruhr Explores Solvation". With their algorithm, they can determine the most valuable players in a league in about an hour - information that is useful as a pre-filter for scouting.
  • Cardcoin: The digital currency Bitcoin should also reach the middle of society in Germany. Founders Felix Maduakor and Cedric Lehmann therefore want to introduce new ways of obtaining cryptocurrencies - with a prepaid card that users can use to purchase Bitcoins quickly and easily throughout Germany, or by convenient online payment.


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Michael Senske and Patrick Balzerowski
© RUB, Kramer
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