Digital Contents in Statistics

The project "DigStat - digital learning contents in statistics" is aimed to achieve a more vibrant arrangement of learning videos and other interactive contents in the field of the basic education in statistics. The new contents are an addition to the existing parts and will be provided in a modular manner.

Lecturers can use these contents individually within their courses. Students shall also be able to use them to complete their learning materials.

DigStat is headed by Prof. Dr. Herold Dehling in cooperation with Prof. Dr. Katrin Rolka and Dr. Michael Kallweit of the Faculty of Mathematics. Project partners are TU Dortmund, Heinrich-Heine-University of Düsseldorf and University of Siegen.

The project ties in with the existing successful cooperation of a part of the project partners dealing with digital learning contents in stochastics.

Foto: Michael Kallweit (left) und Herold Dehling are members of the project "DigStat - digital learning contents in statistics".

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Dr. Michael Kallweit and Prof. Dr. Herold Dehling
© RUB, Marquard
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