Dr. Magdalena Boos

My project "Modelling classical types: Algebraic group actions via algebras with symmetries" is funded by DFG during the time period 02/2021 - 01/2024.
I am a member of Graduiertenkolleg 2240 (Heinrich-Heine Universität Düsseldorf and Bergischen Universität Wuppertal).
Conferences and Talks
- January 5th. Flash talks in Representation Theory, NTNU (Online).
- Winter semester. Oberseminar Algebra, Paderborn.
Talk: tba - August 21st - 23rd. Summer School on Cluster Algebras 2023, Nagoya University (Online).
Lecture series: An introduction to symmetric quiver representations - July 3rd - 7th. 14th Ukraine Algebra Conference, Sumy State Pedagogical University, Ukraine (Online).
- June 26th - 30th. Representation Theory in Lyon , ICJ Lyon.
Talk: Symmetric quiver representations and beyond - January 27th - 28th. Algebras and Representation Theory Network Meeting, Köln.
Talk: On symmetric quiver representations - January 16th. Oberseminar Algebra, Aachen.
Talk: On degenerations in symmetric representation varieties - January 6th. Flash talks in Representation Theory, NTNU (Online).
- October 28 - 29th. Darstellungstheorietage 2022, Kaiserslautern.
Talk: From type A to all classical Lie types: Let's discuss Symmetric Representation Theory - September 27 - 28th. Conference "Representation Theory and Triangulated Categories", Paderborn.
- September 07 - 09th. Workshop "Quivers, Representation Theory and Physics", Köln.
- August 03 - 12th. 20th ICRA, Uruguay and Argentina (Online).
Talk: About symplectic and orthogonal orbit closure relations - May 1st - 7th. Workshop "Interactions between Algebraic Geometry and Noncommutative Algebra ", Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach.
Talk: Approaching symplectic/orthogonal orbit closure relations - March 28th. Algebra and Geometry Seminar, Queen's-RMC, Canada (Online).
Talk: Symmetric quiver representations and degenerations - February 14-16th. Conference "Representation Theory and Geometry", Queen's-RMC, Canada (Online)
- January 4th. Flash talks in Representation Theory, NTNU (Online)
- November 13th. Workshop "Representations of algebras and sheaves", Bielefeld.
Talk: Symmetric quiver representations and degenerations - September 1st -10th. A conference in celebration of the work of Bill Crawley-Boevey, Online/ICMS, Edinburgh.
- July 15th. GRK 2240 Seminar, HHU Düsseldorf
Talk: On symplectic and orthogonal orbit closure relations - June 17th. SMRI Algebra and Geometry, Sydney/Online
Talk: Advertising symmetric quivers and their representations - May 22th to 28th. Women and Mathematics, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton / Online
Talk: Classical Lie-theoretic questions via Representation Theory - May 15th-16th. Workshop Women in Combinatorics and Representation Theory, UC Riverside/Online
Talk: Classical group actions via symmetric representations
Panel discussion: Sustaining the career - April 29th. FD Seminar, Online
Talk: On symmetric quivers and their degenerations
Publications and preprints
- Symmetric degenerations are not in general induced by type A degenerations (with Giovanni Cerulli Irelli)
Rendiconti di Matematica e delle sue Applicazioni (7). Volume 43 (2022). arxiv:2107.10559 - Approaching symplectic/orthogonal orbit closure relations
Oberwolfach Reports, No. 23/2022, Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, 2022. - On degenerations and extensions of symplectic and orthogonal quiver representations (with Giovanni Cerulli Irelli)
Preprint 2021. arxiv:2106.08666 - Semi-simplicity of the category of admissible D-modules (with Gwyn Bellamy)
Kyoto Journal of Mathematics, Volume 61, Issue 1, 2021. arxiv:1709.08986 - Weight Spaces and Attracting Sets for Torus Actions on Quiver Moduli (with Hans Franzen)
To appear in Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society (Preprint 2020). arxiv:2002.12049 - The (cyclic) enhanced nilpotent cone via quiver representations (with Gwyn Bellamy)
manuscripta mathematica, Volume 161, Issue 3, 2020. arxiv:1609.04525 - Multi-graded nilpotent tuples
Communications in Algebra, Volume 47, Issue 8, 2019. arxiv:1609.08593 - Parabolic orbits of 2-nilpotent elements for classical groups (with Giovanni Cerulli Irelli and Francesco Esposito)
Journal of Lie Theory, Volume 29, Issue 4, 2019. arxiv:1802.06425 - Parabolic Conjugation and Commuting Varieties (with Michael Bulois)
Transformation Groups, Volume 24, Issue 4, 2019. arxiv:1606.08840 - Staircase algebras and graded nilpotent pairs
Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra, Volume 221, Issue 8, Pages 1899-2156, 2017. arxiv:1509.04584 - Finite parabolic conjugation and commuting varieties
Oberwolfach Reports, No. 25/2015, Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, 2015. - Non-Reductive Conjugation on the Nilpotent Cone
Algebras and Representation Theory, Volume 17, Issue 6, pp 1683–1706, 2014. arxiv:1504.05374 - Finite Parabolic Conjugation on Varieties of Nilpotent Matrices
Algebras and Representation Theory, Volume 17, Issue 6, pp 1657–1682, 2014. arxiv:1504.05367 - Bn-orbits of 2-nilpotent matrices and generalizations (with Markus Reineke)
Highlights in Lie algebraic methods, Progr. Math., 295, Birkhäuser/Springer, New York, 2012. arxiv:1004.1996
Teaching and seminars
Summer semester 2023
- Oberseminar Algebra, Algorithms & Complexity (D. Kuş, M. Reineke, M. Walter)
Tuesday 12-14, IA 1/53
Topic: Algebraic problems (about quivers, tensors, stability, orbit closures, invariants, moment cones, etc.), their interpretations and applications in other disciplines (e.g. theoretical computer science, statistics, quantum information, ...), algorithms for their solution (in particular, how analytical ideas can help solve algebraic problems), and complexity-theoretic barriers.
Winter semester 2022/23
- Lecture "Darstellungstheorie assoziativer Algebren" with exercise sessions included.
Wednesday (10-12), Friday (10-12)
Please register for the moodle course. Lectures start October 12th. - Oberseminar Algebraische Geometrie (D. Kuş, M. Reineke)
Tuesday 12-14, HNC 20
Topic: Brascamp-Lieb capacity and robust subspace recovery
Summer semester 2022
- Oberseminar Algebraische Geometrie (D. Kuş, M. Reineke)
Tuesday 12-14, HNC20
Topic: Open problems about linear degenerations of flag varieties
Winter semester 2021/22
- Oberseminar Algebraische Geometrie (D. Kuş, M. Reineke)
Tuesday 12-14 via Zoom
First Topic: Introduction to Donaldson-Thomas invariants for 3-Calabi-Yau algebras
Second topic: Linear degenerations of flag varieties