Prof. Dr. Katharina Kormann

Professor in Numerical Mathematics

Ruhr University Bo­chum
Department of Mathematics
Uni­ver­si­täts­stra­ße 150
D-44780 Bo­chum

IB 3/129

(+49)(0)234 / 32-19872


Research interests

  • Numerics of high-dimensional problems
  • Struktur-preserving algorithms
  • High-performance computing
  • Computational plasma physics

Research Projects

since 2023: Collaborative Research Center 1491 Cosmic interacting matters
Project F7 Skalenübergreifende Plasmadynamik für die Untersuchung relativistischer kosmischer Jets

since 2023: DFG project: Niedrigrangapproximation der Lösung von kinetischen Zwei-Teilchen-Gleichungen

since 2022: BMBF project PDExa

Development of mixed-precision algorithms for time-dependent problems with structure-preserving finite elements

since 2022: VR-Projekt (Vetenskapsradet, Sweden) with Murtazo Nazarov
Geometric low-rank tensors and their application for noise reduction of kinetic particle simulations (gemTENS)

Supervised theses

Bachelor's theses at RUB

  • Deep Learning mit Runge-Kutta-Netzwerken (Tom Feldhausen, 2023)
  • Kompressionseigenschaften von DeepXDE für die Lösung der Schrödingergleichung (Maximilian Becker, 2023)


Master's theses at RUB

  • An arbitrary Lagrangian Eulerian Discontinuous Galerkin method for Vlasov equation with a strong magnetic field (Tileuzhan Mukhamet, 2023)

Seminars and conferences



  • Antrittsvorlesung „Approximation und Struktur - Numerik schnell und zuverlässig“ (23.06.2023)
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