Dr. Fabian Korthauer

Since October 2021 I am postdoc at Heinreich-Heine-University Düsseldorf. Click here to get to my new homepage.


Conferences and Presentations



    • February 2021: Ph.D. and Postdoc in Representation theory II (online)
      Talk: Arithmetic representation growth of virtually free groups
    • January 2021: Ph.D. and Postdoc in Representation theory I (online)


    • November 2020: ICRA (online)
    • October 2020: Felix Klein Lectures 2020: Quiver moduli and applications (online)
    • October 2020: Winter School "Connections between representation theory and geometry" (online)
    • September & October 2020: LMS Autumn Algebra School (online)
    • June 2020: Twinned conference "Geometric Representation Theory" (online)
    • February 2020: ABCD-Seminar (Köln)
      Talk: Arithmetic representation growth of groups


    • November 2019: F1-Geometry and Motives (Augsburg)
    • September 2019: ABCD-Seminar (Bochum)
    • September 2019: Hausdorff School on Stability Conditions in Representation Theory (Bonn)
    • September 2019: BIBO-Seminar (Bielefeld)
    • July 2019: Del Pezzo surfaces and Fano varieties (Düsseldorf)


    • September 2018: Geometry and representation theory at the interface of Lie algebras and quivers (Bochum)




    • Since I started my Ph.D. in August 2018, I am a member of the DFG funded research training group "GRK 2240: Algebro-Geometric Methods in Algebra, Arithmetic and Topology".
    • During the winter semester 2019/20 Leon Barth, Alexander Pütz and I organized a Basic Notion Seminar at Ruhr-University Bochum.
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