Prof. Dr. Markus Reineke

Ruhr-Uni­ver­si­tät Bo­chum
Fakultät für Mathematik
Uni­ver­si­täts­stra­ße 150
44801 Bo­chum

IB 2/129

(+49)(0)234 / 32-28241


Research Areas

  • Representation theory of algebras
  • Algebraic Lie theory
  • Quantum group theory
  • Algebraic geometry
  • Geometric representation theory
  • Moduli theory

Research projects

  • Research Training Group 2240
    Our research group is part of the Research Training Group 2240, which is funded by the German Research Foundation. The Research Training Group 2240 is based at the Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf and the University of Wuppertal.
  • Collaborative Research Centre / Transregio (CRC/TRR 191)
    Our research group is part of the Collaborative Research Centre / Transregio (CRC/TRR 191), which is funded by the German Research Foundation. The CRC/TRR 191 is based at the universities of Bochum, Cologne and Heidelberg.


Current Publications and Pre-Prints


  • M. Reineke: Donaldson-Thomas invariants of symmetric quivers. Preprint 2024. arXiv:2410.03219

  • V. Dotsenko, E. Feigin, P. Kucharski, M. Reineke: Categorification of quiver diagonalization and Koszul algebras. Preprint 2024. arXiv:2402.12768

  • P. Belmans, A. Brecan, H. Franzen, M. Reineke: Vector fields and admissible embeddings for quiver moduli. Preprint 2023. arXiv:2311.17004

  • P. Belmans, A. Brecan, H. Franzen, G. Petrella, M. Reineke: Rigidity and Schofield's partial tilting conjecture for quiver moduli. Preprint 2023. arXiv:2311.17003

  • M. Reineke: The Mukai conjecture for Fano quiver moduli. Preprint 2023. arXiv:2310.15927

  • P. Albers, M. Bertozzi, M. Reineke: Floer potentials, cluster algebras and quiver representations. Preprint 2023. arXiv:2309.16009

  • M. Reineke: Wild Quantum dilogarithm identities. Preprint 2023. arXiv:2302.12062

  • A. Pütz, M. Reineke: Desingularizations of Quiver Grassmannians for the Equioriented Cycle Quiver. Preprint 2023. arXiv:2302.05384

  • M. Reineke, B. Rhoades, V. Tewari: Zonotopal algebras, orbit harmonics, and Donaldson-Thomas invariants of symmetric quivers. Preprint 2022. arXiv:2207.11861

  • A. Dönmez, M. Reineke: Moduli of representations of one-point extensions. Preprint 2022. arXiv:2207.11139

  • M. Reineke: Dimension expanders via quiver representations. Preprint 2022. arXiv:2202.07334

  • V. Dotsenko, E. Feigin, M. Reineke: Koszul algebras and Donaldson-Thomas invariants. Lett. Math. Phys. 112 (2022), no. 5, Paper No. 106.arXiv:2111.07588

  • M. Konvalinka, M. Reineke, V. Tewari: Divisors on complete multigraphs and Donaldson-Thomas invariants of loop quivers. Preprint 2021. arXiv:2111.07071

  • M. Armenta, T. Brüstle, S. Hassoun, M. Reineke: Double framed moduli spaces of quiver representations. Linear Algebra Appl. 650 (2022), 98--131.arXiv:2109.14589

  • S. Mozgovoy, M. Reineke: Donaldson-Thomas invariants for 3-Calabi-Yau varieties of dihedral quotient type. Q. J. Math. 73 (2022), no. 2, 759--776.arXiv:2104.13251

  • H. Franzen, M. Reineke, S. Sabatini: Fano quiver moduli. Canad. Math. Bull. 64 (2021), no. 4, 984--1000.arXiv:2001.10556

  • M. Bertozzi, M. Reineke: Momentum map images of representation spaces of quivers. J. Lie Theory 32 (2022), no. 3, 797--812.arXiv:2001.08071

  • X. Fang, G. Fourier, M. Reineke: Cones from quantum groups to tropical flag varieties. J. Algebraic Combin. 54 (2021), 815–835.arXiv:1911.11828

  • H. Franzen, M. Reineke: On the Cohomological Hall Algebra of the Kronecker Quiver. Representation theory and beyond, 213–225, Contemp. Math., 758, Amer. Math. Soc. (2020).arXiv:1904.09224

  • G. Cerulli Irelli, X. Fang, E. Feigin, G. Fourier, M. Reineke: Linear degenerations of flag varieties: partial flags, defining equations, and group actions. Math. Z. 296 (2020), no. 1-2, 453–477.arXiv:1901.11020

  • X. Fang, M. Reineke: Supports for linear degenerations of flag varieties. Doc. Math. 26 (2021), 1981--2003.arXiv:1805.09797

  • G. Cerulli Irelli, F. Esposito, H. Franzen, M. Reineke: Cell decompositions and algebraicity of cohomology for quiver Grassmannians. Adv. Math. 379 (2021), 107544.arXiv:1804.07736

  • M. Reineke, T. Weist: Moduli spaces of point configurations and plane curve counts. Int. Math. Res. Not. IMRN 2021, no. 13, 10339–10372.arXiv:1803.07778

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