
  • July 13-19, 2023: Conference "Anaparastaseis: Orbits, Hecke algebras, and representations", Nisyros, Greece.
  • Jan 29 - Feb 4, 2023: Oberwolfach Workshop "Arithmetic of Shimura varieties"
  • Nov 27 - Dec 2, 2022: BIRS-CMO workshop "Langlands Program: Number Theory and Representation Theory" (online participation)
  • November 15, 2022: Talk at the Oberseminar Arithmetische und Algebraische Geometrie, LMU (Munich)
  • Winter term 22/23 (October 22 - March 23): I'll be a deputy W2-professor at the Leibniz Universität Hannover.
  • Jan 29 - Feb 4, 2023: Arithmetic of Shimura varieties (Oberwolfach Workshop)
  • August 15-19, 2022: CLAP conference in Bonn!
  • July 6-8, 2022: Maarten Solleveld will visit Bonn. He will give a talk on "The local Langlands program for non-supercuspidal representations" on July 7 at 14h (c.t.) in the Lipschitzsaal.
  • May 3, 2022: Talk in the Arithmetic Seminar in Münster
  • April 3-9, 2022: Oberwolfach Arbeitsgemeinschaft: Geometric Representation Theory, Link
  • February 2022: My Heisenberg position (funded by DFG) will start at the University of Bonn.
  • October 12, 2021: Talk at the Chinese University of Hong Kong. (Online)
  • August 25, 2021: Talk at HCM Symposium in Bonn.
  • April 16, 2021: Inaugural lecture at the University of Bonn. (In German, topic: "The sphere packing problem") The slides are available here.
  • February 2021: I was habilitated at the University of Bonn.
  • January 7, 2021: I gave a talk in the RAMpAGe Seminar. The talk (notes and video) is available at this link.
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